Join us next Tuesday at 17:15 for the Grimshaw Annual General Meeting where we will host elections for the committee, review our constitution, talk about some exciting opportunities for the following year and, of course, have some free food and socialise! The evening will combine a meet and greet, an election and some constitutional review.
Vote on amendments to the Grimshaw Constitution
Confirmation of the Executive Committee that has been elected in Lent Term 2015
Election of General Committee members
Meet and greet with drinks and nibbles
1. Vote on amendments to the Grimshaw Constitution
Our constitution has not been updated since 2008, and we would like to propose some amendments which we believe would make the society more effective, or reflect ways in which the society has changed. The old constitution can be found here, while the new proposal (with changes highlighted) can be found here. The main changes are as follows:
The Fundraising Officer no longer needs to be a first year student. This role used to be reserved for first year students, however this did not work well as first year students often do not have the experience to succeed in the challenging role of fundraising. Of course, first year students can still run for this role if they wish.
A new role, First Year Representative, has been added to maintain the first year quota and attract younger students.
Executive committee elections have been moved to the end of Lent term. We believe it is necessary because opening events like Fresher's Fair require extensive coordination and preparation over the summer, and exec committee members are often third years or Masters and therefore graduate before the summer holiday.
If you have any questions, comments, or constructive criticism please email
2. Confirmation of the Executive Committee that has been elected in Lent Term 2015
Executive committee members elected last Lent term must be confirmed by a simple majority.
3. Election of General Committee members
This year, the positions that will be opening up are:
1. Speakers Officers (4), who shall
- Set up and plan the events series
- Make sure there is a balance between Ambassador series, coffee morning/evening talks with professors, and speaker events with various representatives
- Ensure that the events are carried through so to keep the independent character of the society
2. Social Event’s Officer, who shall
- Organise the Grimshaw Club’s social event series for members
3. Publicity Officer, who shall
- Oversee the promotion of the Grimshaw Club through our channels of social media (Twitter, Facebook, Website)
- Create posters for events
- Be in charge of promotional activities
4. Fundraising Officer, who shall
- be responsible for finding sponsorship and other sources of fundraising throughout the year to support the Grimshaw Club’s activities, especially Grimshaw Club student delegations
- assist the Treasurer in Grimshaw’s application to the LSE Annual Fund
- ensure any funding received does not conflict with the Grimshaw impartiality commitment
5. First Year Representative, who shall
make Grimshaw more attractive to first year students conduct stakeholder consultation with other first year to find out what they feel the Club is missing be creative in organising first year friendly events (alcoholic and non-alcoholic, e.g. Meet & Greet-events, pub quizzes, movie nights)
4. Meet and Greet with drinks and nibbles
The AGM will be a fantastic opportunity to meet other Grimshaw members. We spoke to many of you at Freshers' Fair and it will be great to see you all again and get to know one another. There will also be some nibbles available! We will also be talking more about what Grimshaw is about and we will also be giving you information about how to either organise or participate in a Grimshaw Student Delegation this year.